Portfolio simulation

This example script is available in the repository. See the docstring below for its explanation.

This is a translation of the original IPython notebook using Cvxportfolio’s stable API.

"""Simulate periodic rebalancing policy, analyze transaction cost.

This is a close translation of what was done in `this notebook

Note that the behavior of :class:`cvxportfolio.PeriodicRebalance` changed;
We now require an explicit iterable of rebalancing timestamps.
The original implementation, `you can see the code here
wasn't robust enough to be included in the main library. In fact, an API change
by Pandas broke it.

You run it, from the root of the development environment, by

.. code-block::

    python -m examples.paper_examples.portfolio_simulation

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import cvxportfolio as cvx

from .common import paper_hcost_model, paper_simulated_tcost_model
from .data_risk_model import paper_market_data

# Start and end times of the back-test.
start_t = "2012-01-01"
end_t = "2016-12-31"

# Get market data.
market_data = paper_market_data()

# Define benchmark weights.
w_b = pd.Series(index=market_data.returns.columns, data=1)
w_b.USDOLLAR = 0.
w_b /= sum(w_b)

# Cost models.
simulated_tcost = paper_simulated_tcost_model()
simulated_hcost = paper_hcost_model()

# Market simulator.
simulator = cvx.MarketSimulator(market_data = paper_market_data(),
     costs=[simulated_tcost, simulated_hcost])

# Define policies.

# Rebalancing times. We apply the same logic that was used in the
# development code. (It wasn't robust enough to be included in the main
# library.)
all_trading_timestamps = market_data.trading_calendar()
periodicities = ['day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year']
rebalancing_times_per_periodicity = {}
for p in periodicities:
    if p == 'week':
        # Pandas dropped 'week' from the attributes of DateTimeIndex...
        applied_to_ts = all_trading_timestamps.isocalendar().week.values
        applied_to_ts = getattr(all_trading_timestamps, p)
    is_rebalancing_ts = applied_to_ts[1:] != applied_to_ts[:-1]
    rebalancing_ts = all_trading_timestamps[1:][is_rebalancing_ts]
    rebalancing_times_per_periodicity[p] = rebalancing_ts

# For example, these are the annual rebalancing timestamps
print('Annual rebalancing timestamps:')

policies = [
        target=w_b, rebalancing_times=rebalancing_times_per_periodicity[p])
    for p in periodicities]


# Run back-tests.
res = pd.DataFrame(
    index=['Daily', 'Weekly', 'Monthly', 'Quarterly', 'Annual', 'Hold'])
for label, fund_val in [(r'\$100M', 1E8), (r'\$10B', 1E10)]:
    res[label] = simulator.run_multiple_backtest(
        h=[fund_val*w_b] * 6, # number of policies
        start_time=start_t, end_time=end_t,
        policies=policies, parallel=True)

# Compile results.
used_returns = market_data.returns.loc[
    (market_data.returns.index >= start_t)&(market_data.returns.index <= end_t)]
benchmark_returns = pd.Series(
    index=used_returns.index, data=np.dot(used_returns.values, w_b.values))

table = pd.DataFrame()
table[r'Active return'] = res.map(
    lambda res: 100*250*(res.returns - benchmark_returns).mean()).unstack()
table[r'Active risk'] = \
    res.map(lambda res: np.std(benchmark_returns - res.returns
table[r'Trans. costs'] =\
    res.map(lambda res: (res.costs['TcostModel']/res.v
        ).mean() * 100 * 250).unstack()
table[r'Turnover'] = \
    res.map(lambda res: res.turnover.mean()*100.*250.).unstack()

# Print latex table.
print('Latex table:')
table_print = pd.DataFrame(table, copy=True)
table_print.iloc[:, :] = table_print.iloc[:, :].applymap(lambda x: r'%.2f%%'%x )
print(table_print.to_latex(float_format='%.2f', escape=False).replace(
    '%', r'\%'))

# Plot.
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
for v1 in table.index.levels[0][:]:
    x = table.loc[v1]['Trans. costs']
    y = table.loc[v1]['Active risk']
    plt.plot(np.array(x), np.array(y), 'o-', label='$%s\mathrm{%s}$'%(v1[:-1], v1[-1:]))

plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.xlabel('Transaction cost')

ax = plt.gca()