
Here we explain some concepts that apply throughout the library and are useful to know. The code blocks in this document assume the following imports

import cvxportfolio as cvx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd


This document is a work in progress. We are prioritizing topics which are more important to understand when using Cvxportfolio.


Cvxportfolio is designed for ease of use and extension. With it, you can quickly experiment with financial trading strategies and develop new ones.

For example, a classic Markowitz optimization strategy

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \text{maximize} & w^T \mathbf{E}[r] - \frac{1}{2} w^T \mathbf{Var}[r] w \\ \text{subject to} & w \geq 0, w^T \mathbf{1} <= 1 \end{array}\end{split}\]

where the expected returns and covariances are the simple sample ones, is specified as follows

objective = cvx.ReturnsForecast() - 0.5 * cvx.FullCovariance()
constraints = [cvx.LongOnly(), cvx.LeverageLimit(1)]

strategy = cvx.SinglePeriodOptimization(objective, constraints)

Here we instantiated an optimization-based trading policy. Cvxportfolio defines two (the other is a simple extension of this). Optimization-based policies are defined by an objective function, which is maximized, and a list of constraints, that are imposed on the solution. The objective function is specified as a linear combination of simple terms, we provide many, and it’s easy to define new ones. We provide as well many constraints to choose from, and it’s even easier to define new ones.

Where are the assets’ names?

Cvxportfolio policies are symbolic, they only define the logic of a trading strategy. They work with any selection of assets. The two objective terms defined above, however, need to know the values of the expected returns and the covariance matrix. You can pass Pandas dataframes for those, and in that case your dataframes should contain the assets’ names you want to trade. Or, if you want, or you can rely on forecasters to compute those (iteratively, in back-testing) using past data. That is what happens in the code shown above, the default parameters of cvxportfolio.ReturnsForecast and cvxportfolio.FullCovariance are forecasters that compute historical means and historical covariances respectively, at each point in time if running in a back-test or once, if running live, by using the policy’s execute() method.

Passing Data

Most Cvxportfolio objects, such as policies, constraints, and objective terms, accept user-provided data. These data can either have values that are constant in time, varying in time, constant for all assets, or specific for each asset. They are specified as follows.

  • Python scalars. These represents values that are constant for all assets (if the object requires a value per each asset) and for all times. For example


    is a constraint that requires the leverage of the portfolio to be less or equal than three, at all times. Or,


    is a cost object that models 5.25% annual fees on short positions, for all assets and at all times.

  • Pandas series. These represent either values that are constant in time and vary for each asset, or values that vary in time and are constant for all assets. For example

    my_forecast = pd.Series([0.001, 0.0005], index=['AAPL', 'GOOG'])

    is an objective term that models market returns forecasts of 0.1% and 0.05% for the two stocks that are specified, over the trading period used. The forecasts are constant in time.


    During a back-test the trading universe may change. Cvxportfolio objects are aware of the current trading universe at each point of a back-test. If you pass data that vary for each asset, Cvxportfolio objects will try to slice it using the current universe. If they fail, they throw an error. So, you should always provide data for all assets that ever appear in a back-test.

    If instead the pandas series has datetime index it is assumed to contain values that are varying in time. For example

    datetime_index_2020 = pd.date_range('2020-01-01', '2020-12-31')
    short_fees_2020 = pd.Series(5.0, index=datetime_index_2020)
    datetime_index_2021 = pd.date_range('2021-01-01', '2021-12-31')
    short_fees_2021 = pd.Series(5.25, index=datetime_index_2021)
    historical_short_fees = pd.concat([short_fees_2020, short_fees_2021])

    is a cost object that models annual fees on short positions, for all assets, of 5% in 2020 and 5.25% in 2021.


    You should be careful and make sure that the timestamps used match the timestamps used by the market data server: for example they must have the same timezone. To find the correct timestamps you can call the trading_calendar() method of a market data object.

  • Pandas dataframes. The same conventions used for Pandas series apply, so you should read the above, including the two notes. With dataframes you can specify data that varies both for each asset and in time, or multi-dimensional data that varies in time, or for each assets, or both. If you provide data that varies in time, the datetime index should always be the index (not the columns) and in case of a multi-index it should be the first level. For example

    my_forecast = pd.DataFrame(
        [[0.1, 0.05], [0.15, 0.06]],
        index=[pd.Timestamp('2020-01-01'), pd.Timestamp('2021-01-01')],
        columns=['AAPL', 'GOOG'])

    is an objective term that models returns forecasts of 10% and 5% for the first period, and 15% and 6% for the second period, for the two assets specified. In this case the two periods are one year each (you get that, for example, by setting the trading_frequency attribute of a market data server as 'annual'). Remember again that the timestamps must match those provided by the trading_calendar() method of the market data server used.

    Multi-dimensional data constant in time is modeled as follows

    exposures = pd.DataFrame(
        [[1, -.5], [-.25, .75]],
        index=['AAPL', 'GOOG'],
        columns=['factor_1', 'factor_2'])

    so the resulting constraint requires neutrality of the portfolio with respect to those two factors. The index must contain all assets that appear in a back-test, and it will be sliced if at some point in time of a back-test only a subset of those assets is traded (see the note above).

    Multi-dimensional data can also vary in time. It is modeled as a Pandas multi-indexed dataframe. If the data is time-varying, the first level of the multi-index should be a Pandas datetime index.

    multi_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
        [[pd.Timestamp('2020-01-01'), pd.Timestamp('2021-01-01')],
        ['AAPL', 'GOOG']])
    exposures = pd.DataFrame(
        [[1, -.5], [-.25, .75], [.9, -.3], [-.1, .9]],
        columns=['factor_1', 'factor_2'])

    All the conventions above apply (timestamps should match the ones provided by the trading_calendar() method of the market data server, assets’ names should include all the ones that are traded, …).

    Another example are factor covariances that appear in low-rank factor model covariances. These are specified as follows

    multi_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
        [[pd.Timestamp('2020-01-01'), pd.Timestamp('2021-01-01')],
        ['factor_1', 'factor_2']])
    factor_covariances = pd.DataFrame(
         # factor covariance at '2020-01-01'
        [[1, 0.25],
         [0.25, 1],
         # factor covariance at '2021-01-01'
         [1, .1],
         [.1, 1]],
        columns=['factor_1', 'factor_2'])
        F=exposures, Sigma_F=factor_covariances, d=0.01)
  • Numpy arrays. These are not recommended but can be used in simple cases. One use-case is to model data that is constant in time and vary for the assets. If the trading universe varies through a back-test these can’t be used, an error is thrown whenever the sizes of the trading universe and of the array don’t match. For example

    my_forecast = np.array([0.001, 0.0005])

    models returns’ forecasts of 0.1% for the first asset in the universe and 0.05% for the second asset in the universe. The ordering is the one of the data provided by the serve() method of the market data server.

    Another usecase, less problematic, is to model data that varies across other dimensions, such as risk factors. For example a constant factor covariance can be provided as follows

    factor_covariance = np.array( # constant in time
        [[1, 0.25],
         [0.25, 1]])
        F=exposures, Sigma_F=factor_covariance, d=0.01)

    the ordering used here is that of the columns of the provided exposures dataframe.

Missing values

When Cvxportfolio objects access user-provided data, after they locate the right time and slice with the current trading universe (if applicable), they check that the resulting data does not contain any np.nan missing value. If any is found, they throw an error. Thus, you should make sure that no np.nan values are contained in any data passed that will be accessed. It is fine to have np.nan values for assets that are not traded at a certain time (for example, because they didn’t exist) because that data won’t be accessed.

Cash account

Many Cvxportfolio internal variables, such as the weights and holdings vectors that you can access in a cvxportfolio.BacktestResult object, include the cash account as their last element. In most cases used-provided data is not concerned with the cash account (such as all examples above) and so it can be ignored. Exceptions are noted in the documentation of each object.

Multi-Period Optimization

Multi-period optimization is the signature portfolio allocation model defined by Cvxportfolio (although it is not the only one). It is discussed in section 5 of the paper, and it is based on model-predictive control, the industrial engineering standard for dynamic control. The relevant Cvxportfolio object we deal with here is the cvxportfolio.MultiPeriodOptimization policy.

We note that the simpler single-period optimization model, implemented by cvxportfolio.SinglePeriodOptimization and defined in section 4 of the paper, is in fact a special case of multi-period optimization with the planning horizon equal to 1. So, understanding the content of this section also helps you use the single-period optimization model more effectively (and, in fact, there are various situations in which single-period is preferable).

A general formulation of the model is given by the following optimization problem, which is solved at time \(t\)

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} \text{maximize} & \sum_{\tau = t}^{t + H - 1} \left( \hat {r}_{\tau | t}^T w_\tau^T - \gamma^\text{risk} \psi_\tau(w_\tau) - \gamma^\text{hold} \hat{\phi}^\text{hold}_{\tau|t}(w_\tau) - \gamma^\text{trade} \hat{\phi}^\text{trade}_{\tau|t}(w_\tau - w_{\tau - 1}) \right) \\ \text{subject to} & \mathbf{1}^T w = 1, \ w_\tau - w_{\tau -1} \in \mathcal{Z}_\tau, \ w_\tau \in \mathcal{W}_\tau, \ \text{for } \tau = t+1, \ldots, t+H \end{array}\end{split}\]

This is copied from the equations in the paper, and uses all the definitions made there. We summarize them here for clarity:

  • The time index \(\tau\) spans the planning horizon \(H \geq 1\), and if \(H = 1\) we have single-period optimization. The policy plans for allocations over a few time-steps in the future, and only the first time-step, \(\tau = t\), is used. (This is, in a nutshell, model-predictive control.) The time indexes used here are natural numbers.

  • The weight vector \(w_\tau\) is the allocation of wealth among assets, at each step in the planning horizon. Its last element is used by the cash account, which is always there. The vector always sums to one, because of the self-financing condition defined in the paper.

  • The vector \(\hat {r}_{\tau | t}\) are the forecasts of the returns, for all assets (and cash), made at (execution) time \(t\) for (prediction) time \(\tau\). The return \(r_t\) for a single asset is simply the ratio \(\frac{p_{t+1} - p_t}{p_t}\) between consecutive prices. (Note that often returns by data vendors are defined differently, shifted by one.)

  • The \(\gamma\)’s are hyper-parameters, as discussed in section 4.8 of the paper. These are positive numbers.

  • The objective term \(\psi_{\tau|t}\) is a risk model, like a factor model covariance. We can have different risk models at different planning steps.

  • The terms \(\hat{\phi}^\text{hold}_{\tau|t}\) and \(\hat{\phi}^\text{trade}_{\tau|t}\) model the forecasts, made at time \(t\), for the holding and trading costs respectively that will be incurred at time \(\tau\).

  • The sets \(\mathcal{Z}_\tau\) and \(\mathcal{W}_\tau\) represent the allowed space of trade allocation vectors at each planning step, and are defined by a selection of imposed constraints.

    A close translation of the above equation in Cvxportfolio code looks like this. Here we use \(H = 2\).

    same_period_returns_forecast = pd.DataFrame(...)
    next_period_returns_forecast = pd.DataFrame(...) # indexed by the time of execution, not of the forecast!
    gamma_risk = cvx.Gamma(initial_value = 0.5)
    gamma_hold = cvx.Gamma(initial_value = 1.0)
    gamma_trade = cvx.Gamma(initial_value = 1.0)
    objective_1 = cvx.ReturnsForecast(r_hat = same_period_returns_forecast) \
        - gamma_risk * cvx.FullCovariance() \
        - gamma_hold * cvx.HoldingCost(short_fees = 1.) \
        - gamma_trade * cvx.TransactionCost(a = 2E-4)
    objective_2 = cvx.ReturnsForecast(r_hat = next_period_returns_forecast) \
        - gamma_risk * cvx.FullCovariance() \
        - gamma_hold * cvx.HoldingCost(short_fees = 1.) \
        - gamma_trade * cvx.TransactionCost(a = 2E-4)
    constraints_1 = [cvx.LongOnly(applies_to_cash = True)]
    constraints_2 = [cvx.LongOnly(applies_to_cash = True)]
    policy = cvx.MultiPeriodOptimization(
        objective = [objective_1, objective_2],
        constraints = [constraints_1, constraints_2]

Here we use a mixture of data provided by the user (for the returns’ forecast and the cost) and data estimated internally by forecasters (for the risk model).

One thing to note: If providing time-indexed data like returns forecast, the time index always refers to the time of execution, not the time of the forecast. When the policy is evaluated at time \(t\), every provided dataframe (if applicable) will be searched for entries with index \(t\), regardless of which step in the planning horizon it is at.

We note also that there’s a simpler way to initialize cvxportfolio.MultiPeriodOptimization, by providing a single objective and a single list of constraints, and specifying the planning_horizon argument to, for example, 2. This simply copies the terms for each step of planning horizon.

To be continued.