Timing of Back-Test

We show the runtime of a typical single-period optimization back-test.

This is similar to what was show in figure 7.8 of the paper.

Many elements matter in determining how fast a back-test can be run; here we present a few (size of risk model, choice of numerical solver and CVXPY flags, …) but many more are relevant and understanding of those comes only with (deep) expertise in optimization software (and computer systems).

One interesting feature of Cvxportfolio is that it enables for automatic caching of some expensive numerical procedures; one of them is estimation of large covariance matrices. Here we show the execution time difference when running the same back-test twice. The first time covariance matrices are estimated and saved on disk, the second time they are loaded. This especially matters when doing hyper-parameter optimization (the expensive calculation is only done once).

Finally, we show that cvxportfolio.result.BacktestResult does a good job accounting for and reporting the time spent doing a back-test and in its various components. You can expect it will do even more granular reporting in future releases.


To reproduce what is shown here you should make sure that the first time this script is run there are no covariance matrices already saved for the historical market data used here. If you run it from scratch, that is OK, but if you re-run this script it will pick up the covariance matrices already estimated. There is currently (Cvxportfolio 1.3.0) no easy way to remove caches other than manually deleting files in ~/cvxportfolio_data, which you can always safely do.

import time

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

import cvxportfolio as cvx

# same choice as in the paper
from .universes import SP500 as UNIVERSE

# changing these may have some effect on the solver time, but small

# the solve time grows (approximately) linearly with this. 15 is the same
# number we had in the paper examples

# if you change this to 2 (quadratic model) the resulting problem is a QP
# and can be solved faster

# you can add any constraint or objective
# term to see how it affects execution time
policy = cvx.SinglePeriodOptimization(
    objective = cvx.ReturnsForecast()
        - GAMMA_RISK * cvx.FactorModelCovariance(
        - GAMMA_TRADE * cvx.StocksTransactionCost(exponent=TCOST_EXPONENT)
        - GAMMA_HOLD * cvx.StocksHoldingCost(),
    constraints = [

    # You can select any CVXPY solver here to see how it affects
    # performance of your particular problem. This one  is the default for
    # this type of problems

    # this is a CVXPY compilation flag, it is recommended for large
    # optimization problems (like this one) but not for small ones

    # you can add any other cvxpy.Problem.solve option
    # here, see https://www.cvxpy.org/tutorial/advanced/index.html

# this downloads data for all the sp500
simulator = cvx.StockMarketSimulator(UNIVERSE)

# we repeat two times to see the difference due to estimation and saving
# of covariance matrices (the first run), and loading them from disk the
# second time
figures = {}
for run in ['first', 'second']:
    # execution and timing, 5 years backtest
    s = time.time()
    result = simulator.backtest(
        start_time=pd.Timestamp.today() - pd.Timedelta(f'{365.24*5}d'))

    print('\n\n' + run.upper() + ' RUN')

    print('BACK-TEST TOOK:', time.time() - s)
        result.simulator_times.sum() + result.policy_times.sum())
        result.simulator_times.mean() + result.policy_times.mean())


    # plot; this method was introduced in Cvxportfolio 1.3.0
    figures[run] = result.times_plot()

This is the output printed to screen when executing this script. You can see the difference in timing between the two runs (all other statistics are identical) because in the first run covariance matrices are estimated and saved on disk, and the second time they are loaded. You can also see that the time accounting done by cvxportfolio.simulator.MarketSimulator is very accurate, and coincides (with a tiny difference) with what is reported by Python’s time here in the script.

Updating data.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Universe size                                                 502
Initial timestamp                       2019-03-22 13:30:00+00:00
Final timestamp                         2024-03-20 13:30:00+00:00
Number of periods                                            1258
Initial value (USDOLLAR)                                1.000e+06
Final value (USDOLLAR)                                  2.898e+06
Profit (USDOLLAR)                                       1.898e+06
Avg. return (annualized)                                    52.0%
Volatility (annualized)                                     77.3%
Avg. excess return (annualized)                             50.0%
Avg. active return (annualized)                             50.0%
Excess volatility (annualized)                              77.3%
Active volatility (annualized)                              77.3%
Avg. growth rate (annualized)                               21.3%
Avg. excess growth rate (annualized)                        19.4%
Avg. active growth rate (annualized)                        19.4%
Avg. StocksTransactionCost                                    0bp
Max. StocksTransactionCost                                    9bp
Avg. StocksHoldingCost                                        1bp
Max. StocksHoldingCost                                        5bp
Sharpe ratio                                                 0.65
Information ratio                                            0.65
Avg. drawdown                                              -47.0%
Min. drawdown                                              -89.1%
Avg. leverage                                              300.0%
Max. leverage                                              403.0%
Avg. turnover                                                3.8%
Max. turnover                                              150.0%
Avg. policy time                                           0.232s
Avg. simulator time                                        0.094s
    Of which: market data                                  0.016s
Total time                                               408.823s

BACK-TEST TOOK: 409.0286121368408
SIMULATOR + POLICY TIMES: 408.8231477737427
AVERAGE TIME PER ITERATION: 0.32523718995524475


Universe size                                                 502
Initial timestamp                       2019-03-22 13:30:00+00:00
Final timestamp                         2024-03-20 13:30:00+00:00
Number of periods                                            1258
Initial value (USDOLLAR)                                1.000e+06
Final value (USDOLLAR)                                  2.898e+06
Profit (USDOLLAR)                                       1.898e+06
Avg. return (annualized)                                    52.0%
Volatility (annualized)                                     77.3%
Avg. excess return (annualized)                             50.0%
Avg. active return (annualized)                             50.0%
Excess volatility (annualized)                              77.3%
Active volatility (annualized)                              77.3%
Avg. growth rate (annualized)                               21.3%
Avg. excess growth rate (annualized)                        19.4%
Avg. active growth rate (annualized)                        19.4%
Avg. StocksTransactionCost                                    0bp
Max. StocksTransactionCost                                    9bp
Avg. StocksHoldingCost                                        1bp
Max. StocksHoldingCost                                        5bp
Sharpe ratio                                                 0.65
Information ratio                                            0.65
Avg. drawdown                                              -47.0%
Min. drawdown                                              -89.1%
Avg. leverage                                              300.0%
Max. leverage                                              403.0%
Avg. turnover                                                3.8%
Max. turnover                                              150.0%
Avg. policy time                                           0.135s
Avg. simulator time                                        0.079s
    Of which: market data                                  0.014s
Total time                                               268.317s

BACK-TEST TOOK: 268.54603695869446
SIMULATOR + POLICY TIMES: 268.3172538280487
AVERAGE TIME PER ITERATION: 0.2134584358218367

And these are the figures that are plotted. The first run, with longer time spent in the policy (which does the covariance estimation, in the cvxportfolio.forecast.HistoricalFactorizedCovariance object).

examples/timing.py result figure

This figure is made by the cvxportfolio.result.BacktestResult.times_plot() method.

And the second run, when covariances are loaded from disk. The time taken to load them is accounted for in the simulator times (there are a few spikes there, saved covariances are loaded at each change of universe).

examples/timing.py result figure

This figure is made by the cvxportfolio.result.BacktestResult.times_plot() method.